Evernia  divaricata (L.) Ach.
Status of species A rare species. Registered in the Red Data Books of Sweden and Lithuania and in the Lists of endangered lichens species in Finland, Austria and Poland.
Distribution The central and eastern parts of Latvia.
Habitat An epiphytic lichen growing mainly on branches of conifer trees, occasionally on deciduous trees in mixed forests.
Occurance Singly specimens occur.
Reproduction By soredia.
Changes in number and distribution Found for the first time in Latvia in Vecpiebalga (A. Bruttan, 1869). It is negatively affected by changes in biotope and environmental pollution.
Existing protection Localities are known in the teritory of Gauja National Park. Red Data Book of Latvia, 1992.
Suggestions for study Lichen biology and dynamics of population development should be studied. Its distribution should be defined.
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