Stereocaulon  condensatum Hoffm.
Status of species A very rare species. Included in the List of endangered lichens species in Germany.
Distribution Rare in the north - west part of Latvia.
Habitat Occurs in open sites on sandy soil in dunes.
Occurance Small groups of this lichen occur among other lichens.
Reproduction By spores as well as by pieces of thalli.
Changes in number and distribution Found for the first time in Latvia in Slļtere reserve on the edge of the bog Ba¾u (A. Piterąns, 1973). The development of this lichen is affected by increasing air pollution and vegetation succession.
Existing protection A locality is known in Slļtere reserve. Red Data Book of Latvia, 1992.
Suggestions for study Lichen biology and its distribution should be studied. The state of biotopes and population should be checked.
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